Monday, April 25, 2011

             Joanne Senyk’s article, "Un-American Activity", discusses liberty, freedom, and voting".  In her interesting article Senyk wonders about the intent of more restrictive voter registration legislation, comments on the attitudes of President Obama and conservative fundamentalist Brian Fischer, and relates the 2010 census results to a growingly diverse America.
              Senyk begins with a thought provoking quote, “Free people, remember this maxim: We may acquire liberty, but it is never recovered if it is once lost.”  Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778).  Segueing from the quote into her article’s premise of diminishing freedom and the right to vote helped capture my attention. 
              I found her analysis of the proposed voter registration laws in line with my own views.  It is hard to imagine a more restrictive voting process increasing the turnout at the polls.  Americans need to exercise their right to vote and anything that may restrict that right should not be allowed.

            According to Ms. Senyk the 2010 census shows an increasingly diverse nation.  To ensure the diversity is protected she promotes improved education of citizens on the importance of their vote.  Promoting the rights of individuals is up to each citizen, they must exercise their right to vote and encourage others to educate themselves and vote as well. 

Senyk moves on to quote the president and Brian Fischer of the American Family Association.  She doubts the president’s follow through on his proclamation of religious freedom, citing increased scrutiny of Muslim activities inside the U.S. including Congressional hearings, demonstrations, and attacks on mosques.  Moving on to Mr. Fischer, who believes the Constitutional right to religious freedom was intended only for Christians.  While the framers of the Constitution may have written the Constitution intent on preserving their own rights, interpretation of the document over the years has solidified the First Amendment to cover all religions.  As I read her commentary and concern over the attitude of Americans I was reminded of a great story I read.  "2 Muslims travel 13,000 miles across America, find an embracing nation" I highly recommend reading this story as a reaffirmation of the openness, tolerance, and greatness of Americans.

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